Why choose Australian Unity?
Get cover that works for you
Health insurance is not one-size-fits-all. That’s why Australian Unity offers a range of hospital and extras covers that you can mix-and-match to meet your needs:
Wish you could afford to go to the dentist more often?
Want money back on remedial massage and acupuncture?
Planning on having a baby?
Want the best level of care for total peace of mind?
30-day cooling off period
If you change your mind in the first 30 days, as long as you haven’t made any claims, you can switch to a more suitable level of cover or else cancel your membership and get your money back.
No waiting periods for switchers
When you switch to Australian Unity from a cover with a similar or higher level of benefits within 30 days of leaving your old health fund, we’ll recognise the waiting periods you’ve already served.
Even if you haven’t completed a waiting period, we’ll apply any time already served towards your new cover.
Find out more about switching to Australian Unity.
Fast and easy claiming online
- Tell us about the type of service you received.
- Upload an invoice and/or any other relevant documents.
- Submit.
Find out about other ways to claim.
Keep seeing your favourite providers
With Australian Unity you can continue to see your favourite dentist, physio, chiro or other extras provider.
That’s unlike some health funds who lock you into their provider network. With choice of provider, you can get treated by any health provider who is in private practice and is recognised by Australian Unity. Provider recognition conditions apply.
We are unable to pay any claims where the treatment is rendered by a provider to themselves, their partner, dependant, business partner or business partner’s partner or dependant. Where the service includes a cost for materials, we may consider payment towards the purchase and supply of those materials.
Get up to 100% back on preventative dental
You’ve heard the old saying that prevention is better than cure. That’s especially true when the cure can be both painful and expensive!
That’s what our No Gap Dental cover is all about. It’s available on many of our extras covers, and provides preventative dental treatments with no out-of-pocket costs (up to your yearly limit) when you visit any provider in our No Gap Dental Network.
Initial and preventative examinations
Scale and clean
Topical fluoride treatment
Custom mouthguards
Find out more about our No Gap Dental cover.
Other benefits of membership
You don’t have to be sick or go to the hospital to receive benefits from your Australian Unity membership:
Many of our health covers offer Preventative Health Services to help you keep healthy—these services can include things like weight loss programs, fitness training and quit smoking programs.
Our Rewards Program provides discounts and special offers on a wide range of products and services.
Learn more about private health insurance

How to get the most out of your private health insurance