
FuneralPlan Bond

Protect your loved ones from unnecessary stress at a difficult time - and ensure your wishes are carried out.

Funeral Plan Management

Funeral Plan Management is a specialist business of Australian Unity and is dedicated to providing funeral benefits, investment management and customised administration services for funeral directors and their clients. Funeral Plan Management was founded in 1984 and since then has become the leader in its field, providing security and peace of mind for over 170,000 clients.

Person playing lawn bowls

Choose your investment option

The FuneralPlan Bond has the specific purpose of meeting your future funeral expenses. You can choose the capital guaranteed investment option, which means your contributions and allocated bonuses are always secure. Or you can choose the Conservative or Moderate investment options if you want to increase the value of your policy through a combination of income and capital growth.

Freedom and flexibility

You have the freedom to nominate your own funeral director and the type of service you would like at a later date.

You can open an account with a lump sum of $500 and top up at any time with a minimum of $50; or start with $100 with a minimum $50 per month on an instalment plan. You also have the freedom to stop paying instalments at any time without penalty if your circumstances change.

Tax benefits

Your FuneralPlan Bond will not affect your means tested pension so you can invest up to the current Government threshold (see Services Australia). There is no limit to your investment if the means test is not applicable to your personal circumstances. Annual bonuses are also exempt from personal income tax.

Two women sitting on an outdoor lounge in backyard, two mean standing and talking in the distance

Quick to claim

If you are the executor or next of kin, you can quickly and easily claim the funds within your FuneralPlan Bond by providing the required documentation. The funds will be paid to you within 2-7 working days.