Email quote

Have some questions about your quote?

Leave your details if you would like us to contact you to discuss any questions you have about your quote.

We will email your quote and may send you reminders.
View our Privacy Policy to see how we handle personal information.

Your price

Providing the following information will help us calculate the price that you would need to pay for your health cover.

My cover needs
Id' like cover for
All children to be covered will be under the age of 23
All children aged 23-30 are full-time students (includes apprenticeships)
My location
I live in
My personal details
Please enter your date of birth.
Please enter your partner's date of birth.

My income details
Please enter your income to show pricing inclusive of the Australian Government Rebate (AGR) or select ‘No Rebate’ for no AGR.
Please select an annual income range.
My insurance history:
Please answer these questions about your history of holding private hospital cover to help us determine whether a Lifetime Health Cover loading will apply to your price.
I have held private hospital cover continuously for the previous 10 years, or since turning 31 years old.
Please select an option.
My partner has held private hospital cover continuously for the previous 10 years, or since turning 31 years old.
Please select an option.
*If you tick this option, the price we show will not include any Lifetime Health Cover loading (LHC). Any applicable LHC loading will be confirmed once we receive a Transfer Certificate from your previous insurer.