Community & relationships

Relationships, social connections and the effects of loneliness on your parents

Loneliness has a mental and physical impact on our wellbeing—and, unfortunately, can become more common as we age. Our experts explain how you can help your parents build a sense of connection.

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Giving country children a helping hand

Discover how Australian Unity Foundation partner Royal Far West is bolstering rural children’s wellbeing and development.

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What is Real Wellbeing?

The mental health of young Australians

Although Australians’ mental health is improving, the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index shows us that young Australians are continuing to struggle. Our experts tell us more.

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The powerful partnerships shaping Australians’ health

Australian Unity’s innovative partnerships are designed to help customers take charge of their health.

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Anxiety and depression can be isolating, but Mindstep is here to help

With the support of Mindstep, Paula is facing the mental and emotional challenges of her cancer diagnosis head-on.

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What is Real Wellbeing?

Caring for our informal carers

Australian Unity Wellbeing Index research shows that many informal carers struggle to cope with the intense demands of the role. How can we support them?

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What is Real Wellbeing?

Wellbeing in a time of crisis

Australians’ wellbeing has faced unprecedented challenges over the past few years. But the latest Australian Unity Wellbeing Index research shows we’re not out of the woods just yet.

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What is Real Wellbeing?

How cost-of-living pressures are impacting on our wellbeing

The Australian Unity Wellbeing Index has consistently shown that income has a clear impact on our wellbeing. But as cost-of-living pressures continue to mount, that relationship is changing.

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