Community & relationships

Giving a voice to female Indigenous rangers

Discover how Thin Green Line, an Australian Unity Foundation partner, is boosting the confidence and leadership skills of female Indigenous rangers.

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Community & relationships

Relationships, social connections and the effects of loneliness on your parents

Loneliness has a mental and physical impact on our wellbeing—and, unfortunately, can become more common as we age. Our experts explain how you can help your parents build a sense of connection.

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Giving country children a helping hand

Discover how Australian Unity Foundation partner Royal Far West is bolstering rural children’s wellbeing and development.

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Community & relationships

Breaking the cycle of youth homelessness

There are 30,000 young people aged 12 to 24 currently homeless in Australia. Discover how Lighthouse Foundation, an Australian Unity Foundation partner, is transforming the lives of Australian children experiencing homelessness.

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Community & relationships

Closing the gap through early childhood literacy

The Australian Unity Foundation is a proud charity partner of the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation. Discover how their Early Language & Literacy Program is helping children, families and communities thrive.

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What is Real Wellbeing?

Wellbeing in a time of crisis

Australians’ wellbeing has faced unprecedented challenges over the past few years. But the latest Australian Unity Wellbeing Index research shows we’re not out of the woods just yet.

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Community & relationships

Rebuilding connections at the Elders Olympics

Australian Unity’s first-ever Aboriginal Home Health Regional Elders Olympics was the perfect opportunity to celebrate culture, connection and community.

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Community & relationships

Collaborating for better care

Your support team is made up of more than just the people who deliver your care services. Here are three Australian Unity staff members who form part of the bigger picture.

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