Tags: Community & relationships Community connectedness NAIDOC Week

“First Nations Foundation is undertaking a huge digitisation transformation which will enable us to reach a greater number of communities. Australian Unity’s support has been instrumental in this transformation.” – Amanda Young. 

This NAIDOC Week, Australian Unity is proud to announce our two-year community grant program with First Nations Foundation (FNF).

FNF are a financial literacy charity that works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to build their skills and understanding of finances while encouraging positive behaviours and attitudes towards money management.

Indigenous women laughing and smiling

Australian Unity’s community grant will help support FNF to take their face-to-face financial literacy workshops, My Moola, online. 

Launched in 2009, My Moola was built by Indigenous people for Indigenous people and covers budgeting, insurance, superannuation, loans, mortgages and more. 

Targeting people who are going into the workforce as well as those looking to increase their earning capabilities, moving online means FNF can provide more in-depth content to more people.

As part of this joint program, Australian Unity has established the Australian Unity Fellowship. The fellowship connects First Nations Foundation CEO Amanda Young with Australian Unity’s Business Technology Group Executive Tahir Tanveer. Tahir will play the role of coach and advisor to Amanda as they transition to digital.

“First Nations Foundation is undertaking a huge digitisation transformation which will enable us to reach a greater number of communities. Australian Unity’s support has been instrumental in this transformation,” said Amanda Young, CEO First Nations Foundation.

“The work of the First Nations Foundation and Australian Unity very much aligns under a shared agenda of building financial capabilities across Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and businesses,” Amanda said.

To find out more about First Nations Foundation visit their website.